
Mah's Daily Diigo Bookmarking 02/29/2008

VALUE DOMAIN の DNS を設定。(さくら、Google Apps)

tags: apps, dns, google, sakura

Google Apps のための設定

tags: apps, dns, google, sakura

さくらレンタルサーバーとGoogle Appsの併用

tags: apps, dns, google, sakura

Diigo Lexington 1 Social Bookmarking Initiative   Annotated

tags: diigo

This is the most versatile social bookmarking tool! Why is Diigo our social bookmarking service of choice? It provides so many other useful features in addition to saving and sharing bookmarks! Diigo enables you to forward your saved sites to others, enhancing collaboration. It's also a great tool for researching because it allows you to highlight text and add sticky notes to any web page. Diigo provides another tool for collaboration by allowing the creation of user groups and discussion forums. Diigo also interacts with Delicious and other bookmarking tools through the use of the Add Elsewhere button. Web pages can be linked together, in a webquest style, through the use of the webslides feature.


    tags: columns, documents


    tags: documents

    My Domestic Church: Works for me Wednesday - saving bookmarks with Diigo  Annotated

    tags: diigo

    But Diigo had a few other features that I also enjoyed. First of all it allows me to expert and import sites with my del.icio.us account which was convenient. It also allows me to make a blog post of my finds right away. I can add tags just like with deli.cio.us and that helps me to keep organized. I can also search the finds of others using Diigo. Diigo was originally designed to be helpful to researchers so I find it to be very user friendly.

    But the part I REALLY enjoy, is the opportunity to HIGHLIGHT the parts of article I am reading that I find to be interesting or important. If you ever saw a book after I am done with it, you'd see highlighting all over it! I am so happy to be able to extend this habit to my web surfing! I can also add "sticky notes" with my comments on them which is akin to writing in the margins. I love doing that too!

      奇妙的diigo - 好看簿 - 更易用的图片博客

      tags: diigo


      tags: 3d, photos, service, tools


      Mah's Daily Diigo Bookmarking 02/28/2008


      tags: design

      Top Ten Tools: 2008 Update « Zigmasb’s Weblog  Annotated

      tags: diigo, tools

      8. Diigo:

      Diigo is my primary social bookmarking tool and how I generate my daily bookmark posts for my blog. I do so much online research for both the courses I develop and for my own personal learning; a good system to track all the resources I find is indispensable. Diigo’s also improved a lot since I started using it, and they’ve learned to take user feedback seriously.

        チャームカード  Annotated

        tags: lifehacks

          YouTube ダウンと経路問題  Annotated

          tags: internet, security

          「Internet は自律分散なので核攻撃にも耐えられるロバストなネットワークだ」なんてことはよく言われますけど、やっぱり物事には一長一短があって、確かに核攻撃には強いけど、一方詐欺にはころっと騙されてしまうんぢゃよね。

            A Single Place For All Your Notes!

            tags: tools

              Webデザインの基本、アイコンを効率よく探そう。Web2.0系アイコン配布サイト× 24

              tags: design, icon

              Gallery Presentation - photo.net

              tags: photos

              Welcome to Zoogle.in

              tags: search


              Mah's Daily Diigo Bookmarking 02/27/2008

              Free Downloads: Gelvetica / Tomatica / Heldentica

              tags: design, font, free

              YouTube - "NORA: Practice Makes Purr-fect" - Check the sequel too.  Annotated

              tags: no_tag


                みんなでつくる検索エンジン Kynny (キニー) BETA

                tags: knowledge, mashup, search


                Mah's Daily Diigo Bookmarking 02/22/2008

                Archive the Web with Diigo at LifeClever ;-) Tips for Design and Life

                tags: diigo

                Hatebladder - 最近の人気エントリー

                tags: hatena, livedoor, reader, rss


                tags: copyrights, musics, riaj