
Mah's Daily Diigo Bookmarking 02/28/2008


tags: design

Top Ten Tools: 2008 Update « Zigmasb’s Weblog  Annotated

tags: diigo, tools

8. Diigo:

Diigo is my primary social bookmarking tool and how I generate my daily bookmark posts for my blog. I do so much online research for both the courses I develop and for my own personal learning; a good system to track all the resources I find is indispensable. Diigo’s also improved a lot since I started using it, and they’ve learned to take user feedback seriously.

    チャームカード  Annotated

    tags: lifehacks

      YouTube ダウンと経路問題  Annotated

      tags: internet, security

      「Internet は自律分散なので核攻撃にも耐えられるロバストなネットワークだ」なんてことはよく言われますけど、やっぱり物事には一長一短があって、確かに核攻撃には強いけど、一方詐欺にはころっと騙されてしまうんぢゃよね。

        A Single Place For All Your Notes!

        tags: tools

          Webデザインの基本、アイコンを効率よく探そう。Web2.0系アイコン配布サイト× 24

          tags: design, icon

          Gallery Presentation - photo.net

          tags: photos

          Welcome to Zoogle.in

          tags: search

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