
Mah's Daily Diigo Bookmarking 03/26/2008

OpenSocialにYahoo!が参加 - 非営利の管理団体発足へ

tags: google, myspace, open_social, yahoo

普段は見られない日光・月光菩薩立像の背面までじっくり鑑賞 - 薬師寺展 (1) 国宝の日光、月光菩薩立像が薬師寺から春爛漫の東京へ初の"ふたり旅"!?  Annotated

tags: buddism

      IT業界はコンテンツを無料で騙し取っていないか--著作権問題の奥にあるもの:ニュース - CNET Japan

      tags: copyrights

      The Backyard - JavaScriptのおもしろさ

      tags: javascript

      次のTwitterと目されるFriendFeed--その実際は?:ニュース - CNET Japan

      tags: friendfeed

      FriendFeed (2008年最も注目のフィード統合サービス)

      tags: friendfeed


      tags: cms, open_source


      tags: friendfeed, twitter

      TechCrunch Japanese アーカイブ » Google成功の秘密:タダビールと寿司

      tags: google

      Diigo and First Year Research | Techno-Rhetoric Cafe

      tags: diigo, education

      Diigo: Mark up the Web « Tablet PC - A Student’s Perspective  Annotated

      tags: diigo, review, v3

      Have you wished you could mark up a website? Highlight, add notes and the share it with others? Diggo is a solution to all your needs. Ok I exaggerated, it doesn’t have ink support (damn). However it lets you highlight, annotate, tag , bookmark, blog and share webpages. Isn’t that awesome? If you are tired of printing all those webpages to OneNote just so that you could highlight up the important parts, Diggo is your solution. Sign up, don’t hesitate to download the firefox/IE tool bar, give it a spin and well leave me a note of thanks :).

        StumbleUpon Demo - Diigo 3.0 Beta is Live at LifeClever ;-) Tips for Design and Life

        tags: diigo, review, v3

        ソーシャル満載のソーシャルブックマーク「Diigo」 :ソーシャルメディア.jp

        tags: diigo, review, v3


        tags: tools, visio

        Going My Way: USB ドライブなら気軽に試せる、Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition 3 Beta 4

        tags: firefox, portable


        tags: agile


        tags: development, programming, review, system

        InfoQ: LINQ Framework Designのガイドライン

        tags: .net, linq, vs

        NOLOCKをLINQ to SQLおよびLINQ to Entitiesで実装

        tags: .net, linq, vs


        tags: security, winny


        tags: apache, mysql, php


        tags: itil

        Quotably:Twitterを理解するための完璧なツール  Annotated

        tags: tools, twitter



          tags: feeds, friendfeed, rss, tools


          tags: internet, school

          「とりあえずググる」を卒業するための2つの方法  Annotated

          tags: search


            webnode.com - create your website easily

            tags: ajax, tools, websites


            Mah's Daily Diigo Bookmarking 03/25/2008

            » Diigo Launches V3: A Marriage between Rich Web Research Tools and Social Networking JimStroud.com: Exploring the wacky world of employment  Annotated

            tags: diigo, v3

            I am SOOOO hyped about this product! (And no, I am not getting paid to said that.) I love, love, love Diigo and it is an indispensible tool in my online arsenal. Click here to take an online tour of Diigo and get hooked as deeply as I am. And once you are a member, send me a friend request. Cool?

              I am SOOOO hyped about this product! (And no, I am not getting paid to said that.) I love, love, love Diigo and it is an indispensible tool in my online arsenal. Click here to take an online tour of Diigo and get hooked as deeply as I am. And once you are a member, send me a friend request. Cool?

              Anyways, check out the latest Diigo press release.


                tags: alps, maps


                tags: books, health, mind

                進化を続けるDrupal 6

                tags: cms, drupal


                tags: internet

                  Great Find: Diingo - Liz Strauss at Successful Blog - Thinking, writing, business ideas . . . You’re only a stranger once.  Annotated

                  tags: diigo, review

                  It is my pleasure to be able to present just one of my favorite applications to Liz’s great readers. Liz has always been about putting people together in the most positive way, and innovations like Diigo aim towards people as well. Check this cool tool out when you get the chance and let us and Diigo know what you think.

                    3つのM - リーンの3要素

                    tags: development, lean, system

                    The K12 Geek » Blog Archive » Why Diigo?

                    tags: diigo

                    Diigo - Take Notes Online « A Little Bit Of Everything

                    tags: diigo

                    Diigo odsłona 3 - konkurencja dla Delicious na Seksowne laski i piękne lachony

                    tags: diigo, review, v3

                    アーカイバの新定番?「PeaZip 2.0」公開

                    tags: archive, tools


                    tags: mac, security, virus


                    tags: open_social


                    Mah's Daily Diigo Bookmarking 03/24/2008


                    tags: lifehacks

                    Diigo version 3.0 est en ligne!  Annotated

                    tags: diigo, review, v3

                    Purement au niveau des fonctionnalités, del.icio.us faisait et fait encore plus figure d’enfant pauvre. Mais est-ce que toutes ces fonctionnalités sont vraiment nécessaires? J’en doute, Diigo a beaucoup à offrir, mais il est aussi assez compliqué à manipuler. Personnellement, lorsque j’ajoute un nouveau signet, je désire que cette action ne demande que quelques secondes. À ce niveau del.icio.us est toujours le plus efficace.

                      サッカーくじtoto 6年ぶりに600億円突破

                      tags: gamble, toto

                      Diigo日本「非」公式ブログ: Diigo入門:Diigoツールバーをインストール

                      tags: diigo

                      スタートアップへの福音:Sequoia Capital  Annotated

                      tags: business, entrepreneur


                        1)明快な目標(Clarity of Purpose


                          2)大きな市場(Large Markets


                            3)リッチな顧客(Rich Customers




                                5)飴玉(Pain Killers


                                  6)独創性(Think Differently


                                    7)チームのDNATeam DNA








                                            テレビ番組のネット配信目指す 民間研究団体が「ネット法」提唱

                                            tags: copyrights, internet

                                            NEW diigo Toolbar  Annotated

                                            tags: diigo, japanese, review, v3

                                            • そんなに重いですか?あまり気にならないのですが・・・。1ページの表示数を最小の20にしてますか? - post by mahsaito

                                            Diigo 3.0 Beta is Live at LifeClever ;-) Tips for Design and Life

                                            tags: diigo, review, v3

                                            Diigo Version 3.0 Launches!

                                            tags: diigo, review, v3

                                            » Diigo V3 now live: check it out Yule Heibel’s Post Studio © 2003-2008

                                            tags: diigo, review, v3

                                            Is Diigo the next phase in social bookmarking? Giving a solid try

                                            tags: diigo, review, v3

                                            Rootly: Diigo Launches 3.0; Adds More Social Features and Team Collaboration -Web 2.0 News  Annotated

                                            tags: diigo, review, v3

                                            It's all about discovery and Diigo has done a great job in this area.


                                              Mah's Daily Diigo Bookmarking 03/23/2008

                                              Frustrations of a learning technologist: Diigo v3 beta

                                              tags: diigo, review, v3

                                              Family Matters » » Diigo v3 Will Knock Your Socks Off!  Annotated

                                              tags: diigo, review, v3

                                              Today Diigo released version 3 of their research and collaboration tool. I can describe it in one word - WOW!!!

                                              I’ve been a great fan of this social bookmarking system for quite a while, but this upgrade puts Diigo into a league of its own. The Diigo staff have made their platform a researcher’s dream. There’s a new browser toolbar, a new user dashboard, upgraded groups, expanded user profiles, a new comment wall and a platform-specific messaging system.

                                                Diigo 3.0 is useful for collaborative Web research | StressFree

                                                tags: diigo, review

                                                Diigo日本「非」公式ブログ: Diigo入門:まずはユーザ登録しよう!

                                                tags: diigo, japanese, v3

                                                あのDiigoがV3に(でもBeta版だけど) — hibilog  Annotated

                                                tags: diigo

                                                なんか、新しくなったDiigoは、かなりソーシャルになっていきそう。実は、放置のBloggerに自動投稿したり、さまざまなDiigoらし い基本機能はV2の頃からあったのだけど、今回かなりわかりやく、使いやすくなっている。これがソーシャルには必須なのかもしれないですね。


                                                  tags: library

                                                  超クールな名刺いっぱい  Annotated

                                                  tags: design



                                                            tags: presentation, sliderocket, tools

                                                            情報流出:ネット上に金融機関の検査資料が 日銀松江支店  Annotated

                                                            tags: security


                                                              Andre's garden - わからない英単語を後で確認(Diigoの妙な使い方)

                                                              tags: diigo

                                                              Diigo日本「非」公式ブログ: Diigo V3新機能:地味だが嬉しい「Thanks」機能

                                                              tags: diigo, v3

                                                              Bookmarking for Serious Web Users

                                                              tags: diigo, review, v3

                                                              hibinoblogger: Diigo's Design has Changed!

                                                              tags: diigo, v3

                                                              MOONGIFT: » VMWareの開発でも利用されているソースコードレビュー共有ソフトウェア「Review Board」:オープンソースを毎日紹介

                                                              tags: development, programming, python, review, system, tools

                                                              VMWareの開発でも利用されているソースコードレビュー共有ソフトウェア「Review Board」

                                                              Diigo Releases Version 3 - Beyond Bookmarks  Annotated

                                                              tags: diigo, review, v3

                                                              The point here is, Diigo is not really a bookmarking site. The essence of this tool is research and secondarily productive community.

                                                                Diigo has a long way to go in terms or aesthetics, more continuity and if we must “coolness”, but as a research and productivity community - it has no competitor. That is all I have to say about that.

                                                                  馬鹿の野望byはなゆー: ソーシャルブックマーク「Diigo」が機能を強化

                                                                  tags: diigo, v3

                                                                  ポラロイド風のメッセージ画像を作ってくれる『Photo Notes』

                                                                  tags: photos

                                                                  SlimChart for Javaサーブレット版

                                                                  tags: graph, java

                                                                  PowerTools Product News Releases

                                                                  tags: graph, java

                                                                  JClass ServerChart - Java - 5.5J

                                                                  tags: graph, java

                                                                  JavaによるGUIグラフ描画ソフト「Samurai Graph 1.0.7」リリース - builder by ZDNet Japan

                                                                  tags: graph, java


                                                                  tags: graph, java


                                                                  tags: graph, java, library


                                                                  Mah's Daily Diigo Bookmarking 03/22/2008

                                                                  コーポレートロゴデザインに使える素晴らしいフォント60選『60 Brilliant Typefaces For Corporate Design』

                                                                  tags: design, font


                                                                  tags: development, si, system

                                                                  FriendFeedが示唆するもの:ソーシャルグラフによる信頼担保の重要性  Annotated

                                                                  tags: no_tag


                                                                    オープンソースCMS「SOY CMS」がMySQLに対応

                                                                    tags: cms, mysql

                                                                    米軍イラク情報をウィニーで流出 空自1尉を処分

                                                                    tags: security

                                                                    Google、言語翻訳のAjax APIを公開

                                                                    tags: ajax, api, google, translate


                                                                    tags: girls, microblog, sns, twitter

                                                                    ザッピング - 受動系ソーシャルブックマーキング -

                                                                    tags: sbm


                                                                    tags: sbm

                                                                    Searchme Visual Search - beta 1.3

                                                                    tags: search

                                                                    Diigo日本「非」公式ブログ: Diigo V3こぼれ話:Diigoの新ヘルプはWikiベース  Annotated

                                                                    tags: diigo, help, v3, wiki


                                                                      Diigo v3: A more social form of bookmarking and annotating | Webby's World  Annotated

                                                                      tags: diigo, v3

                                                                      Diigo v3 places more emphasis on the social aspect of social bookmarking through merging ideas from several different sites together. For example, it takes annotating from Clipmarks, bookmarking from del.icio.us and a facility which suggests websites you may like based on your annotations from StumbleUpon.
                                                                        Diigo v3 has some unique features which I like. When you are on websites, you can view what other users have highlighted and annotated which is useful for group projects where collaboration is necessary. You can also join groups and communities and send private messages to other users. Another interesting feature is WebSlides which lets you view your bookmarks as a slideshow which is useful if you can’t always remember the name of the site but you can remember the way it looks!
                                                                          Diigo collabration
                                                                            diigo share.jpg

                                                                                So, some key points about Diigo 3:

                                                                                1. Easy to share annotations on certain websites; useful for collaboration

                                                                                2. Improved social features

                                                                                3. WebSlide browse through websites based on screenshots.

                                                                                4. Clipmarks is like cutting something out of a paper; Diigo is highlighting something out of one and annotating it!
                                                                                I believe Diigo is probably more useful as a research tool than as a social site but it is nice to merge the two together!

                                                                                  » Disponible Diigo 3 | DigiZen: Un blogfesor aprendiendo  Annotated

                                                                                  tags: diigo, v3

                                                                                  Diigo es una herramienta esencial para el educador y el estudiante 2.0.

                                                                                              Disponible Diigo 3 | Planeta Educativo

                                                                                              tags: diigo, v3

                                                                                              VS 2008で実現したパフォーマンスの修正およびVBScriptに関する予想外の言及

                                                                                              tags: vbscript, vs

                                                                                              Silverlight 2アプリケーションの逆コンパイル

                                                                                              tags: silverlight

                                                                                              Diigo日本「非」公式ブログ: Diigoを日本語化する(Japanize)  Annotated

                                                                                              tags: diigo, japanese, japanize

                                                                                                Diigo日本「非」公式ブログ: DiigoV3の新機能について

                                                                                                tags: diigo


                                                                                                tags: seo


                                                                                                tags: design, documents, web

                                                                                                次世代検索サイトは、Vertical Search Engine(専門検索エンジン)+SNS(ソーシャルネットワーク)。

                                                                                                tags: search, sns


                                                                                                tags: china


                                                                                                tags: ajax, framework, java, javascript

                                                                                                diigo v3 review

                                                                                                tags: diigo, review, v3

                                                                                                The entire Diigo team is pleased to announce to our readers, and the rest of the world, the new Diigo Version 3 goes live today! share our diigo v3 review links here


                                                                                                Mah's Daily Diigo Bookmarking 03/21/2008

                                                                                                TechCrunch Japanese アーカイブ » Diigo、v3.0でソーシャルブックマーク機能を強化

                                                                                                tags: diigo

                                                                                                Diigo 3.0 social bookmarking tool adds recommendations - Download Squad  Annotated

                                                                                                tags: diigo

                                                                                                The service has also added a recommendation engine. Since users are constantly saving and tagging web content, Diigo has a huge database of web pages that may feature similar content. So if you like pages about Windows freeware, Diigo probably knows that and when you click on the recommendations feed you should be able to find pages that you'll like.

                                                                                                  Diigo v3: Improves Social Bookmarking : Somewhat Frank :: web tech life :: blog by Frank Gruber  Annotated

                                                                                                  tags: diigo

                                                                                                  Check out this quick demo video about Diigo v3 and find out just what it can do. Please note though, this video surprisingly showcased a screen-shot of TechCrunch and not SOMEWHAT FRANK - there must be some sort of mix up. :)  Nonetheless, Diigo v3 is pretty impressive. I like the way that Diigo enables users to create lists of bookmarks that can then be viewed a number of different ways (list views, web slide view, etc). I also like its bookmarking toolset as it offers a number of innovative ways to capture and annotate content.

                                                                                                    Diigo releases new version, promising that social bookmarking ain’t dead yet » VentureBeat  Annotated

                                                                                                    tags: diigo

                                                                                                    Interestingly, Ren points out Delicious as the only competitor to his service that’s still innovating. However, it looks like traffic to Delicious is falling off, while StumbleUpon has spiked upward according to Alexa, Compete and Quantcast (click through for the charts). That may mean that the average user is actually interested in a less full-featured service.

                                                                                                    Around the corner is Delicious 2.0 (coverage on that from TechCrunch), so we’ll soon have a chance to see.

                                                                                                      Diigo 3.0: The all-powerful personal and social bookmarking service | Webware : Cool Web apps for everyone  Annotated

                                                                                                      tags: diigo

                                                                                                      There's also a very nice new browser sidebar that shows you a lot of very useful and focused information, including your own latest bookmarks, those from your Diigo friends, and most cleverly, the Diigo users who have also saved information from the page you're visiting as well as the site itself.
                                                                                                        I recommend Diigo, especially with the plug-in. It's a complex tool but if you take a few minutes to learn what it can do and how it does it, it can make you a more productive, smarter Web user.

                                                                                                          Diigo Tackles Recommendations - ReadWriteWeb

                                                                                                          tags: diigo

                                                                                                          Diigo Revamps Social Bookmarking Service with v3.0  Annotated

                                                                                                          tags: diigo

                                                                                                          Social Bookmarking 2.0 - Diigo Sets The Standard for Others to Follow-- bub.blicio.us

                                                                                                          tags: diigo


                                                                                                          tags: microblog, twitter


                                                                                                          tags: design, social_news


                                                                                                          tags: china

                                                                                                          多くの価値が付加されたASP.NET MVC Preview 2

                                                                                                          tags: asp.net


                                                                                                          tags: presentation, tools

                                                                                                          高度なグラフをサイトへ貼り付けられるブログパーツ Googleスプレッドシートの新機能

                                                                                                          tags: google, graph, spreadsheet


                                                                                                          tags: capture, shareware, tools


                                                                                                          Mah's Daily Diigo Bookmarking 03/20/2008


                                                                                                          tags: development, open_source, si, system, tools


                                                                                                          tags: pdf


                                                                                                          tags: business, entrepreneur

                                                                                                          古典を読むのは「役に立つから」ではない  Annotated

                                                                                                          tags: books, lifehacks, study



                                                                                                            tags: goo, maps


                                                                                                            tags: copyrights


                                                                                                            tags: translate


                                                                                                            tags: scan, search, tools


                                                                                                            tags: ipa, security

                                                                                                            アルプス社、携帯向け地図サービス「ALPSLAB mobile」

                                                                                                            tags: maps, mobile

                                                                                                            世界一優秀な日本のテレビ局  Annotated

                                                                                                            tags: tv



                                                                                                                tags: sbm, social_news


                                                                                                                tags: development, system


                                                                                                                tags: toc

                                                                                                                Web2.0時代の「ローコスト経営」:現在の新興企業戦略  Annotated

                                                                                                                tags: business

                                                                                                                  Web 2.0バブル時代とも言える現在において、新興企業の価値を高めるのは、利益力というよりは、いかに急速に人々に広範に受け入れられるかという伝染力の強さ


                                                                                                                    tags: books, tools

                                                                                                                    Seesmic (オンラインTVを目指す動画版Twitter)

                                                                                                                    tags: stream, twitter, video

                                                                                                                    再び BLOGRANGER TG tube

                                                                                                                    tags: api, blog, mashup

                                                                                                                    フリーで使える25の実用アイコンセット「Free Vector Icon Set 1」

                                                                                                                    tags: design, icon

                                                                                                                    I-O DATAの無線ルータ 2機種に脆弱性

                                                                                                                    tags: lan, security, wireless

                                                                                                                    JSF と CSS、JavaScript を使用して作成する Ajax アプリケーション: 第 2 回 動的な JSF フォーム

                                                                                                                    tags: ajax, java, javascript