「クララは歩かなくてはいけないの?」(ロイス・キース) Annotated
tags: books
ASP.NETアプリ開発者のためのVisual Studio 2008新機能 Part III
tags: .net
Training Wheels: Tag, You're It, Folks -- Or, What Does Social Bookmarking Say About Me? Annotated
tags: diigo
Diigo has no awkward periods to parse. Diigo can suck up my bookmarks from some of the browsers I use. I can highlight sections of a web page and add comments about them on sticky notes. I can forward individual bookmarks with my highlighted sections to others.
I have added a Diigolet button on my bookmark bar on all but one of my browsers. (There's also a Diigo toolbar, but I'm reluctant to give up real estate in my browser.) Diigo will allow me to export its bookmarks into my Del.icio.us, Furl, etc. accounts without any fuss. I can keep selected bookmarks private or add private comments to my public bookmarks -- this is perfect for stashing account information! I'm going to give Diigo a try.
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